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Homework Timetable

Homework Timetable

This policy has been written with consultation with staff, parents and the children of Manor Junior School.

This policy has been written in line with our school values: 

Enthusiasm, Respect, Inclusion and Challenge 

Why is homework important?
  • It can inform parents/carers about learning going on in class;
  • It can further stimulate enthusiasm for learning;
  • It can promote a level of independence and organisational skills
  • It takes advantage of the home environment and resources and the chance for one to one adult time;
  • It can be a great source for gathering topic information to share with all the children;
  • It is a great opportunity to rehearse key skills such as reading, times tables,
  • spellings, handwriting;
  • It helps to foster good habits of organisation and self- discipline in preparation for the demands of Secondary School.
At Manor Junior School
Teachers set challenging homework, appropriate for the age and stage of children, that consolidates learning, deepens understanding and prepares pupils very well for work to come.

We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that this policy is successful because there is a strong partnership between the home and school which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement. If you come to any difficulty, you can contact the class teacher. If we have concerns about a child’s homework, we will contact the parents/carers.

A breakdown and guidance of how home learning is structured is provided below.

Time guidance per week Reading Spellings Maths Tables Speaking and listening Enrichment
Year 3 One Hour Daily reading (15 minutes) + weekly Bug Club online task Weekly 8-12 spellings/Spellodrome MyMaths Once every half term – Spoken language and present Once every half term a practical or research project
Year 4 One Hour Daily reading (15 minutes) + weekly Bug Club online task Weekly 8-12 spellings/Spellodrome MyMaths Once every half term – Spoken language and present Once every half term a practical or research project
Year 5 One and a half hours Daily reading (20 minutes) + weekly Bug Club online task Weekly 8-12 spellings/Spellodrome MyMaths Once every half term – Spoken language and presen Once every half term a practical or research project
Year 6 Two hours Daily reading (20 minutes) + weekly Bug Club online task +SATS preparation Weekly 8-12 spellings/Spellodrome+SATS preparation MyMaths+SATS preparation Once every half term – Spoken language and present Once every half term a practical or research project
Marking and Feedback
Online activities will be automatically marked with immediate feedback for the child. Teachers will also be able to access the outcomes which will in turn inform the teaching and learning at school.

The speaking and listening and enrichments tasks will be celebrated and shared at school.

Provision before school and at lunch times will take place for those who cannot access online activities.
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