MFL (French)
It has never been more important or exciting to be able to speak a foreign language in our increasingly globalised and connected world.
At Manor Junior our MFL curriculum:
- Equips pupils with a well-rounded knowledge of the basics of French whilst providing all students with the opportunity to communicate and participate in a range of language experiences.
- Offers a clear progression of skills from Year 3 to Year 6 which involves new learning and recapping on previous teaching, building upon vocabulary and language.
- Encourages pupils to develop their confidence in both written and spoken communication.
- Promotes the speaking and listening skills which contribute to further development of oracy at our school.
- Celebrates the diversity of language and fosters pupils’ curiosity whilst deepening their understanding of the world and cultures around them.
- Helps to develop confident life-long learners as it provides a balance of spoken and written language which lays the foundations for further foreign language teaching at Key Stage 3.
- Enables our pupils to utilise their skills in an annual trip to France
- Our French curriculum is a bespoke curriculum which has its own progressive scheme of work created by Barking Abbey Secondary School.
- Our French objectives are built upon the national curriculum objectives and are organised so that they build on pupil’s prior experiences, making learning memorable and transferable.
- French lessons are taught weekly for 30 minutes.
- Our teaching and learning of French is implemented via DeBono’s philosophy of learning and Bloom’s taxonomy. Low-level remembering and understanding questions are constantly used so that pupils are able to retain knowledge and vocabulary.
Our pupils:
- Become confident to engage in simple conversations and have an awareness of the vocabulary and language needed in a variety of situations.
- Gain an understanding of simple French which will lay the foundation for future French lessons in Key Stage 3.
- Develop an awareness and respect of different cultures.
- Pupils are able to utilise their skills on their trip to France in Year 5.