Extended Curriculum
Extended schools encompass all activities that take place outside the normal school day.
Children who participate in extra activities can develop positive attitudes, gain enjoyment and build confidence and self-esteem.
As a fully inclusive school, we aim to encourage and include as many children as possible to take part in extended school activities. We want all children to be given the opportunity to be part of a team, group or club where they can develop personally, socially and learn new skills.
At Manor Junior School, the provision of ‘Extended Schools’ opportunities is developed as a direct result of the school’s ethos:
• To present children with challenges that will equip them to realise their full potential
• To help children realise their own self-worth
• To develop self-esteem and independence
• To develop skills in particular areas
• To develop pupils’ interest in leisure time activities out of school
• To develop both fine and gross motor skills and co-ordination and balance
• To develop social, communication and behaviour skills
• To improve fitness levels and develop awareness of having a healthy lifestyle
We are currently reviewing our Extended schools provision. A questionnaire has been distributed to the school community at the start of the autumn term with suggestions of recommended providers as well as choice of clubs for children.
Providers will be selected carefully and a wide variety of clubs to be offered. Often, providers will work in school for more than one term. This is mainly due to demand or popularity of a particular club. It will also build up good links and relationships.