Remote Blended Education
Our plan for remote blended education (RBE) upholds our school values of Enthusiasm, Respect, Inclusion and Challenge. The plan will ensure that children can continue with their education should we have a future lockdown, or your child needs to self-isolate for an extended period of time. For the plan to be successful, it demands that the whole community work together. Our overview below, explains each of our roles.
Our Remote Blended Education Overview
Surveys of our community have shown that whilst the majority of our families have access to a device and the internet not everyone does at all times. If a child does not have access to an online device, the school will do all it can to support children and will provide alternatives. Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (e.g. laptops) and/or 4G connections will be sought for those categorised as the most disadvantaged children.
This statement meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’
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Manor Junior School
Sandringham Road
Barking, Essex
IG11 9AG
T: 020 8270 4641